The 12th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser to end homelessness and reduce the impact of poverty across the Niagara Region.
Join Niagara’s finest chefs as they prepare and serve their favourite soup in one-of-a-kind bowls created by local potters.
Included as the perfect complement are Niagara wines, specialty beverages, and delicious sweets.
Guests take their empty bowl home as a reminder of those who struggle to meet basic living needs and secure affordable housing throughout our community.
In 2017, the Empty Bowls event raised over $30,000 for programming at Bethlehem Housing and Support Services!
Event Details | Learn More »
- Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
- Time: VIP Reception 5pm to 6pm | General Admission 6pm to 9pm
- Venue: Club Roma, 125 Vansickle Road, St. Catharines
Early Bird Tickets $75
Available until February 1, 2017
General Admission $85
Effective after February 1, 2017
VIP Tickets $100
Includes VIP Lounge and Empty Bowls event (limited quantity)
Event Sponsors
We couldn't do this without our generous Event Sponsors. Their support is invaluable, and we encourage you to support each of them in return. | Become a Sponsor »