Bethlehem Housing and Support Services, in partnership with the community, provides affordable housing and services to support the personal growth of individuals and families. Your support provides the most vulnerable in the Niagara region with essential supports needed to maintain their housing stability and quality of life.
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We are finally free and well on our way to rebuilding our lives!
You're Moving Families Forward
Permanent Supportive Housing provides the foundation and security where individuals can grow, engage, and contribute to the economic well-being of our community. Our St. Catharines and Niagara Falls residences provide permanent supportive housing for individuals and families of low to moderate income.Read more » -
You're Preventing Evictions and Homelessness
Housing and Prevention Services provides in-house and community support services for those living in our transitional and permanent housing, as well as people living in the community.Read more » -
You're Providing Sanctuary for Families in Crisis
Bethlehem Place is a one year transitional housing program open to men, women and their children with a focus on families who are homeless due to issues with poverty, physical disability, mental health, domestic violence and family breakdown.Read more » -
Together We're Building A Foundation
Stable housing builds a foundation for individuals and families to grow. Our goal is to ensure that people facing social and economic hardship in Niagara have stable housing and improved quality of life.Read more »